* 25.01.1970, Barcelona, Spain
lives in: Barcelona, Spain
Poet and translator Mireia Vidal-Conte has a degree in Comparative Literature and in Information Science.
Books: Gestual (ed. Pagès, 2005, Recull Award), Pragari (Columna ed., 2005, Miquel de Palol Award), Anomena’m nom (Pagès ed., Maria Mercè Marçal Award), Margarides de fons (Cossetània ed., 2007, City of Tarragona Award), Orlando natural (2010, laBreu ed.), 5 cm -la cicatriu- (Curbet ed., 2012), Veces (Terrícola ed., 2015), Ouse (la Breu ed., 2016, Serra d’Or Award 2017) and Com elles (Antologia de poetes del S. XX, Lleonard Muntaner ed., January 2017) and Severa Rosa (Lleonard Muntaner, 2020).
Some of the anthologies she has been published in include Trentaquattro poeti catalani per il XXI secolo (Raffaelli Editore), El poder del cuerpo (Castalia) and Erato. Bajo la piel del deseo (Sial). Among others, she has translated Eugénia de Vasconcellos (A Casa da Compaixã, Curbet ed.), Brigitte Oleschinski (Geisterströmung, Pagès ed.) and Virginia Woolf (Killing the Angel in the House, Angle ed.).
She has given readings all over the Catalan Countries, and in Prague, Havana, Madrid, Buenos Aires and Alghero. As a literary critic, she writes for several journals and newspapers. Her work has been translated into Italian, Czech, Spanish and English. She is the curator of the work of poet Màrius Sampere.